November 17, 2010

Moving On. Homebound.

There is always a desire to have more, make more, do more and be more.  Why?  Are we not content with what we have?  Sometimes.  Other times I believe it is the Eternal Life inside our mortal bodies longing for home. 

We were not made to dwell upon this broken earth forever.  Yes, Adam was created here and given authority to rule over all the living creatures.  But, he was made in the likeness of God and without sin in the beginning.  It would have been easy to live in paradise when one was perfect and had no struggles to bear.  Once sin came, he was no longer perfect and could not stay in The Garden of Eden.  Just the same as oil and water will not mix but stay completely separate from each other even when in the same container, sin and holiness can not be in the same place at the same time for both to exist.  One will overthrow the other.  Holiness always triumphs over sin.

In the garden, sin overcame Adam and because the garden was perfect and holy, Adam had to leave.  Adam was told not to eat of the fruit from the tree and he did.  We are like Adam.  We see something we want, we get it no questions asked.  We may have to work more to get the money to buy it, or sometimes we just buy it without thinking of whether or not we can afford it.  Adam could not afford to eat of the fruit and had to pay for it with his life.

Oftentimes I get a homesick feeling for a place unseen.  I think of Heaven and wonder what it is like.  I also think of what it would be like if I was not yet born.  Would I still somehow know God?  Would I be waiting for my time on earth?  I believe we all long for Home.  We all are children.  We all long for comfort and peace.  Even the cruelest people on earth long for freedom. 

I am moving on.  Moving on to a place much grander, more magnificent than the paradise of Adam and Eve.  I am longing for more than a place, more than just a time well spent in a temporary dwelling.  I move on to more than this sudden breath and instant sight.  I move on to Jesus.  Jesus, the Rescuer of my soul.  The maker of all that is.  The Redeemer of all mankind.  He has brought me goodness and joy.  But the joy I have now can't even compare to what will become.

Jesus.  He is who I am moving on to.  Wherever He is, I will be there.  I will follow Him in many places, throughout many times and with much gladness.  We will see new things, old things and things never yet conceived in the brightest and most intelligent minds.  There will be love.  There will be peace.  There will be life lived in such a holy way that sin will be forgotten, anger put aside, wrath turned to mercy and pain turned to comfort.

Sin will be undone in such a fashion that it will seem like it never appeared.  Glorious will be the day we move on.  Truth will be eternal.  Light will be ever powerful.  Grace will be granted and healing will remain.  Everyone who has called on the name of Jesus will be saved.  They will rejoice with singing and dancing and laughter.  There will be a time for silence and a time for refrain.  There will be day.  There will be warmth and there will be hope.   I am moving on.  

Jesus, I am moving on to you. 

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